New World Resolutions: 5 Key Things To Do In 2023
The time of the year has come to set things right at work, home, and the world in order to achieve that ever-alluring best life. ’Tis time for the New Year resolutions! Of course, who can forget the New Year, except most often, resolutions slowly fade into oblivion.
Nevertheless, New Year’s resolutions are a fad that captivates people to plan to do things for themselves, not realizing there’s an error in the script itself. No wonder why the New Year resolutions fail! Why?
We tend to get obsessed with ourselves and create personal resolutions — in terms of “I” or “Me.” We fail to see the bigger picture. We can better our lives successfully if we consciously work towards a better world. That’s a cardinal truth and a colossal mistake people make while setting their New Year resolutions and goals. You need to think “We” and “Us,” not “I” or “Me”!
We’re dependent on and interconnected with our world. If we commit to serving others and our beloved Earth, we receive the dividends and all we dream and manifest. This New Year, think differently — think of New World resolutions.
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5 Key New World Resolutions and the Challenging Times Ahead
New Year resolutions are passé; let’s focus on bigger and better resolutions that successfully change your life and the world you live in. New World resolutions require a commitment to cultivating peace, manifesting wealth, finding love, impacting the world, and, most importantly, creating a new evolutionary story. Here are five easy steps. Put these steps together, and you will navigate the major earth changes and manifest your best life now.
1. Be peace
Everything begins with peace. Remember, if you’re peaceful from the inside, you’ll exude peace in your actions and interactions. Peace creates balance, and balance allows for everything else to flow into and from you as a creator of your destiny. This is power. Adopt the New Year resolution to strive to be peaceful and powerful. We need peace more than anything else in the current challenging times of chaos, uncertainty, war, and a world that seemingly has gone mad.
2. Manifest Wealth
Money and wealth accumulation is one of the most misunderstood things in modern society. Shamans and other ancient cultures are fine with vast riches so long as they are shared. This step requires you to give of yourself to others and the planet first and then receive the wealth, money, and more as your reward. Pledge in the New Year resolution to cultivate goodwill to manifest wealth for everyone. This will help you to live the life you want.
3. Find love
Love will find you IF you find the love of yourself. If you are seeking love, it means you are not finding the love of yourself. Fall in love with the authentic you. You’ll be surprised at the power of self-love: you love yourself, you start loving others and the world, others love you, and the whole world becomes a lovely place to live in. Make a New Year…Earth resolution to love yourself.
4. Impact the World
Everything you do, positive or negative, impacts the world. We are all connected to the Quantum Field, Mother Earth (Pachamama), and each other. You have the power to change people’s lives, do good, and impact the world in ways you perhaps never imagined. Be like a tree that gives off life energy (oxygen) and not like a stone that does nothing. Implement the New Year resolution to impact the world positively.
5. Create New Evolutionary Story
To change things, you first need to change yourself. You’ll be able to change your life for the better if you change how you think about and live it. You can do that by unlearning the old story and learning the new evolutionary story. Embrace the New Year resolution to create a new evolutionary story by taking steps 1 to 4.
These New World resolutions will bring results and success to you because everything you do is for others. You benefit if everyone else benefits.
I can help you ignite your new story and share your heart, voice, and writing immediately. Click here for a free master class to become a powerful new storyteller and use the power of your New Story to heal, transform, influence, and impact the world.
May your New Year resolutions and New World resolutions be successful and bring you peace, wealth, love, power, and a beautiful life. Together we can and will create a new Earth.
Originally published at on November 1, 2022.